TAKE ACTION: Complete the National Disability Strategy Survey to get ADHD on the radar of policy makers by June 10th.

The Australian community is invited to take part in national consultation to shape the future of disability policy for 2020 and beyond.

This is a pivotal opportunity for the ADHD community to provide feedback on how the future National Disability Strategy should recognise the needs of people living with ADHD.

Our recent survey on “Parent and carer experiences of ADHD in schools” revealed critical gaps in the education system in providing adequate support for students with ADHD.

Because ADHD is not acknowledged in policy as a disability, our schools aren’t receiving adequate funding or specific professional education for teachers on ADHD. Students are not receiving access to classroom adjustments and learning support. Furthermore, students with ADHD experience a high rate of punitive practises in schools, such as suspension, detentions and exclusions, which has severe negative impact on the wellbeing of these individuals and their families. Students with ADHD are missing out on their right to an inclusive education on the same basis as their peers – and this must be addressed with urgency.

Having ADHD formally recognised as a disability will be a step toward achieving greater outcomes. Now is the time to act – your individual contribution is pivotal to getting our collective voices heard.

What you need to do:

  • Complete the National Disability Strategy Survey.
  • Ensure your responses reference your experience with ADHD and desired outcomes.
  • Encourage family, friends and your networks to also complete the survey referencing ADHD.
  • The survey closes 5:00pm on Monday 10 June.

More than 1,000 of you shared your experiences in our PAAA survey last year, so let’s make our voices heard again, this time by our nation’s policy makers.

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