Parents for ADHD
Advocacy Australia
Shaping the best future for young people with ADHD
Produced by PAAA & OLT Australia
Parents, teachers and schools can access the new free online course designed to increase awareness and understanding of ADHD within the school & family setting.
Raise Awareness
We are passionate about increasing public awareness and reducing the stigma surrounding ADHD. We do this through our Rethink ADHD campaign on Facebook and Twitter, by supporting examples of the ADHD lived experience in the media, and by correcting misinformation and promoting the truth about ADHD in the community.
Empower Families
Young people with ADHD deserve the opportunity to successfully navigate life and reach their full potential. Our PAAA Facebook community and website are places to share helpful information and resources so that families can become confident to advocate on behalf of their child.
Improve the school experience
Increasing the capacity of schools to support students with ADHD and comorbid conditions is fundamental to shaping bright futures for young people with ADHD. Data collected from our ADHD & Schools Survey will provide an important platform for future advocacy initiatives.
Parents for ADHD Advocacy Australia
We are a national volunteer-run community group dedicated to improving the lives of young people with ADHD, and their families, through ADHD awareness, education and advocacy.
Take the PAAA 2020 Survey on Suspensions
Parents and carers can support our advocacy efforts, take the 2020 survey on suspensions in New South Wales Schools.
Survey Released
Find out why 1 in 3 students with ADHD have changed schools and what you can do to help improve support for students with ADHD in the Australian education system.
For maximum impact please share your personal story and send the survey to your local Member of Parliament.